Our Board

Meet the folks that make WFW possible

Cameron Duncan

Cameron Duncan

Master Distiller (President and Founder)

This is the guy. Cameron does the lion's share of the work, puts together the sponsorships, and is the mastermind behind the operation. If you don't know him yet, you should.

John Robert Reed

John Robert Reed

Master Blender (Vice President)

Some say he's half man, half god. Others just call him the vice president who sits at the other head of the table. John Robert doesn't call the shots, he makes them.

Philip Johnson

Philip Johnson

Master of Whiskey Science (Chair of Technology)

He does all the lame tech stuff no one cares about, you know, like the website. As a result, he may have a glass or two extra. Don't judge the man.

Stewart Jarmon

Stewart Jarmon

Master Cooper (Social Chair)

He loves the party even if he's not invited. If you see him, be sure to buy him a drink. He put the whole thing together.

Paul Baudouin

Paul Baudouin

Tastemeister (Chair of Media)

Why do all of our pictures and other media assets look so cool and tough? Because Paul has better taste than you. Furthermore, our Whiskey has better taste than yours too. That's why you're here, right?

Doug Weisinger

Doug Weissinger

Master Historian (Secretary)

You may think he reads as much or more than he imbibes - you may also be wrong. This guy has a steel trap(per keeper) and we can rest assured that our history will outlive us.

Hal Guggolz

Hal Guggolz

Master Enforcer(Sergeant at Arms)

How is an organization that revolves around drinking Whiskey so organized? We're not sure, but we think it has something to do with Hal's iron resolve. He ensures our meetings run well and we get things done.